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The cube bar in the center of the village opposite the church on the main road offers fast food for everyone.

Cube bar - Oak

The cube bar in the center of the village opposite the church on the main road offers fast food for everyone.

Additional information

Transport: By foot, By bike, By car, By bus

Suitable for: Families with childrens, Elderly, Cyclists, Young, Adults
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 24.8.2021
Source: GoSlovakia

Opening hours


Not specified


Cube bar - Oak
Dubová 502
90090  Dubová
Region: Bratislavský
District: Pezinok
Area: Trnavsko, Microregion Červený kameň
 48.367425, 17.340918

Dubová 502
90090  Dubová

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