Why do people buy toilet paper in bulk? There are several reasons, most of them meaningless

Maťo Šimončič

Maťo Šimončič

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The coronavirus stimulated a visit to the shops. Quite logically, people are afraid that there will be a shortage of goods, especially food or disinfectants, so they try to buy them in bulk. If you still visit a store today, it is quite possible that you will not buy some products from your list. Toilet paper is one of the items, especially abroad.

While buying food in an effort to prevent people from having to go to the store if others are infected, or the procurement of disinfectants can be explained, buying or even fighting for the last rolls of toilet paper no longer makes such sense. Diarrhea does not accompany coronavirus infection or, if only exceptionally, a large purchase of these goods in bulk is not necessary. However, people still buy it.

There's psychology in that

The Conversation portal also thought about why people buy so much toilet paper and asked various experts about it.

Niki Edwards of the School of Public Health and Social Work at Queenslan University of Technology said the toilet paper symbolized control. People see it as a way to keep hygiene and cleanliness under control. Although in the event of an emergency it is possible to use substitutes in the form of handkerchiefs or kitchen towels, people are not interested in these substitutes.

When buying it, however, it is necessary to think soberly and think of other people who do not currently have it at home and necessarily need to buy it. It does not make sense to supply it for several years, because even one disc will last a relatively long time. In addition, in case of emergency, other paper alternatives can be used, or in the extreme case it is possible to use the shower or bidet that is part of the bathroom.

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Reported by: Maťo Šimončič
Updated on: 20.3.2020
Source: GoSlovakia

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