1 rating
On the site of the original grave of Hungarian soldiers who fell in our village. Built and ceremoniously unveiled on September 14, 1994. Text on the monument: TALÁN EGY DAL FOSZLÁNYA MÉG FELIDÉZ: VISSZA - CHILDREN'S FOUNDATIONS WITH ARCHES: EMLÉKEZÉS ÉS FÁJDALOM A TÖBBI TITOK. WE LEAD SMART, SILENT, WITHOUT FAREWELL. Built and ceremoniously unveiled on September 14, 1994. The work of Kazimír Cséfalvay

Memorial to the Victims II. world war

On the site of the original grave of Hungarian soldiers who fell in our village. Built and ceremoniously unveiled on September 14, 1994. Text on the monument: TALÁN EGY DAL FOSZLÁNYA MÉG FELIDÉZ: VISSZA - CHILDREN'S FOUNDATIONS WITH ARCHES: EMLÉKEZÉS ÉS FÁJDALOM A TÖBBI TITOK. WE LEAD SMART, SILENT, WITHOUT FAREWELL. Built and ceremoniously unveiled on September 14, 1994. The work of Kazimír Cséfalvay

The monument not only recalls the past, but also emphasizes the importance of peace and freedom. This place connects generations and serves as an important part of the Great Hive as a whole. Overall, the Memorial to the Victims of II. of the World War in Veľké Úľany is an important historical and cultural monument that teaches us that it is important to protect and honor the values ​​of peace and freedom, and to never forget the victims of war.

On the site of the original grave of Hungarian soldiers who fell in our village in the cemetery. Built and ceremoniously unveiled on 14/09/1994. Text on the monument: TALÁN EGY DAL FOSZLÁNYA MÉG FELIDÉZ: VISSZA – CSENDÍTI KEDVES RANGOTOK S ARCOTOK: EMLÉKEZÉS ÉS FÁJDALOM A TÖBBI TITOK. WE LEFT SMARTLY, SILENTLY, WITHOUT GOODBYE. Built and ceremoniously unveiled on 14 September 1994.

The work of Kazimír Cséfalvay

Additional information

Transport: By foot, By bike, By car, By bus
Parking: Free parking nearby

Suitable for: Families with childrens, Elderly, Young, Adults
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 27.9.2023

Opening hours


Not specified


Memorial to the Victims II. world war
Veľké Úľany
Region: Trnavský
District: Galanta
Area: Podunajsko, MAS 11 PLUS, Microregion 11 PLUS
 48.16422, 17.57242

Veľké Úľany

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