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The cross from 1798 is located in the cemetery in the village of Doľany. The cross at the top of the cemetery was built by Judita Neimilner. According to the visitation record, the cross was built on Pažit in 1758. It was later relocated and erected in the cemetery on October 12, 1782. The cemetery was founded in 1780 without a central cross, and perhaps at the reproach of the visitor (1781), the village thus solved the problem of the missing cross in the cemetery in a relatively unusual way.

Cross from 1798 - Doľany

The cross from 1798 is located in the cemetery in the village of Doľany. The cross at the top of the cemetery was built by Judita Neimilner. According to the visitation record, the cross was built on Pažit in 1758. It was later relocated and erected in the cemetery on October 12, 1782. The cemetery was founded in 1780 without a central cross, and perhaps at the reproach of the visitor (1781), the village thus solved the problem of the missing cross in the cemetery in a relatively unusual way.

However, another year appears in the inscription on the pedestal (At the cost of Judith Neimilner erected in 1798). In the mentioned year 1798, the restoration of the crosses in the cemetery took place, as it follows from the accounting book of the church of St. Catherine. Another illegible inscription is carved on the back of the base. On the front of the cross is the inscription:





1798. "

Source: pamiatky Doľany (17.8.2021)

Additional information

Transport: By foot, By bike, By car, By bus
Parking: Free parking nearby

Languages: Slovak

Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 17.8.2021

Opening hours


Not specified


Cross from 1798 - Doľany
Region: Bratislavský
District: Pezinok
Area: Trnavsko, Microregion Červený kameň
 48.419526, 17.375416


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