The village of Veľká Paka

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The villages of Veľká Paka, Malá Paka and Čukárska Paka are located on the territory of Žitný ostrov (Hungarian: Csallóköz).

The village of Veľká Paka

The villages of Veľká Paka, Malá Paka and Čukárska Paka are located on the territory of Žitný ostrov (Hungarian: Csallóköz).

Additional information

Transport: By foot, By bike, By car, By bus
Parking: Free parking nearby

Accepted payments: Cash
Languages: Slovak

Suitable for: Childrens, Families with childrens, Elderly, Handicapped, Cyclists, Young, Adults
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 2.4.2020

Opening hours


Not specified


Phone: +421 31 558 6705
Website: velkapaka.sk
The village of Veľká Paka
Obecný Úrad
Veľká Paka 189
930 51  Veľká Paka
Region: Trnavský
District: Dunajská Streda
Area: Podunajsko
 48.039318, 17.409622

Locality Veľká Paka

Obecný Úrad
Veľká Paka 189
930 51  Veľká Paka

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