The village of Vozokany

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The first written record of the village dates back to 1297, when the village was already a famous locality. That year is therefore certainly not the year of its establishment. The name of the village comes from the family name Wezeken. The word Wezeken probably comes from the Turkish word bezäkän, which means "small ornament". There are opinions that the name of the village Vozokany is derived from the Slavic word voz.

The village of Vozokany

The first written record of the village dates back to 1297, when the village was already a famous locality. That year is therefore certainly not the year of its establishment. The name of the village comes from the family name Wezeken. The word Wezeken probably comes from the Turkish word bezäkän, which means "small ornament". There are opinions that the name of the village Vozokany is derived from the Slavic word voz.

Additional information

Transport: By foot, By bike, By car, By bus
Parking: Free parking nearby

Accepted payments: Cash
Languages: Slovak

Suitable for: Childrens, Families with childrens, Elderly, Handicapped, Cyclists, Young, Adults
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 3.4.2020
Source: Obec Vozokany

Opening hours


Not specified


Phone: +421 31 785 5239
Website: obecvozokany.sk
The village of Vozokany
Obecný Úrad
Hlavná 57
925 05  Vozokany
Region: Trnavský
District: Galanta
Area: Podunajsko
 48.104504, 17.687332

Locality Vozokany

Obecný Úrad
Hlavná 57
925 05  Vozokany

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