Home of social services for children and adults Šoporňa-Štrkovec

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In the DSS for children and adults in Šoporna - Štrkovec, based on a change in the charter, we have established a specialized facility for children and youth, who are dependent on the help of another natural person, their degree of dependence is at least V. and have a disability, which is especially Down syndrome and DMO. DSS for children and adults Šoporňa - Štrkovec is one of the first social services facilities in Slovakia where MAKATON began to be applied. Makaton is a language program for alternative communication using sys

Home of social services for children and adults Šoporňa-Štrkovec

In the DSS for children and adults in Šoporna - Štrkovec, based on a change in the charter, we have established a specialized facility for children and youth, who are dependent on the help of another natural person, their degree of dependence is at least V. and have a disability, which is especially Down syndrome and DMO. DSS for children and adults Šoporňa - Štrkovec is one of the first social services facilities in Slovakia where MAKATON began to be applied. Makaton is a language program for alternative communication using sys

DSS for children and adults Šoporňa - Štrkovec is the organizer of international multilateral meetings and events of people with special needs. In the facility, trained staff provides counseling in the field of sexual education for the mentally handicapped.

Additional information

Transport: By foot, By bike, By car
Parking: Free parking nearby

Languages: Slovak
Accommodation: In object
Food: In object

Suitable for: Childrens, Elderly, Young, Adults
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 15.8.2022
Domov sociálnych služieb pre deti a dospelých Šoporňa-Štrkovec

Opening hours


monday - sunday:
06:00 - 15:00


Phone: +421317874198, +421317017492, +421317017491
Home of social services for children and adults Šoporňa-Štrkovec
Šoporňa – Štrkovec 10,
925 52  Šoporňa
Region: Trnavský
District: Galanta
Area: Podunajsko
 48.2039187, 17.8450745

Altitude: 118 m

Šoporňa – Štrkovec 10,
925 52  Šoporňa

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