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Church of St. Sebastian is located on the top of the Calvary Hill. It was built in the Baroque style in 1708 from the estate of the parish priest Pavel Hartperger (he worked in Doľany in the years 1659 - 1673 and 1677 - 1685). The church is 8.2 meters long and 6.5 meters wide. The chapel is open to the public during ceremonial church events, and the peculiarity is that on June 12, 2009, the ceremony of concluding the Holy Marriage was performed in it for the first time in modern history.

Church of St. Sebastian

Church of St. Sebastian is located on the top of the Calvary Hill. It was built in the Baroque style in 1708 from the estate of the parish priest Pavel Hartperger (he worked in Doľany in the years 1659 - 1673 and 1677 - 1685). The church is 8.2 meters long and 6.5 meters wide. The chapel is open to the public during ceremonial church events, and the peculiarity is that on June 12, 2009, the ceremony of concluding the Holy Marriage was performed in it for the first time in modern history.

Originally, there was a rare painting of St. Sebastian in the church, allegedly an original by the Spanish Baroque painter Esteban Bartolomé Murilla, but in 1974 someone stole the painting from the chapel and it has not been found yet.

Additional information

Transport: By foot, By bike, By car, By bus
Parking: Free parking nearby

Suitable for: Families with childrens, Elderly, Handicapped, Young, Adults
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 14.11.2022
Source: Doľany

Opening hours


Not specified


Church of St. Sebastian
Region: Bratislavský
District: Pezinok
Area: Trnavsko, Microregion Červený kameň
 48.4202867, 17.3746902


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