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The park with plane trees and stone pedestals with statues of lions and dogs together with a baroque mansion is located in the village Tomášikovo. It is the largest park in the district of Galanta.

Park in Tomášikov

The park with plane trees and stone pedestals with statues of lions and dogs together with a baroque mansion is located in the village Tomášikovo. It is the largest park in the district of Galanta.

Additional information

Transport: By foot, By bike, By car

Suitable for: Childrens, Families with childrens, Elderly, Handicapped, Cyclists
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 17.10.2017
Podrobnejšie popisy trás a veľa iných tipov na cyklovýlety na Slovensku nájdete v cyklosprievodcovi Najkrajšie cyklotrasy Záhorie a Podunajsko z Vydavateľstva Dajama. Sprievodca obsahuje 25 najkrajších cyklistických okruhov, rovnomerne rozmiestnených po Slovensku. Nechýbajú tipy a zaujímavosti na trasách, profily trás či mapové výrezy so zakreslenými trasami.

Opening hours


Not specified


Phone: +421317855231, +421317855284
Website: tomasikovo.sk
Park in Tomášikov
Region: Trnavský
District: Galanta
Area: Podunajsko
 48.08702, 17.69768

Altitude: 126 m


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