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After reconstructions in 1987 and 2013, there is a statue of St. Urban, the patron saint of winemakers and winegrowers, on a pedestal in Polánka near the Chapel of St. Anne.

Statue of St. Urbana - Vistuk

After reconstructions in 1987 and 2013, there is a statue of St. Urban, the patron saint of winemakers and winegrowers, on a pedestal in Polánka near the Chapel of St. Anne.

From the story of p. František Uhlár from Vištuk.

About r. In 1985 I found a completely devastated, in the thickets, where the Vistula vineyards once began the statue of St. Urban, patron saint of vineyards and winegrowers. I began to think about how to repair and save this statue. At that time I met a certain stonemason Mr. Černera Miloš from Bratislava (originally of Czech nationality), whom I asked if he could make such a statue. After a while, he told me that he had the necessary stone and a statue he could make. I then announced this intention to me at the time to the pastor of Vistuk, Dr. Alexei Izakovič. He thought of the renewal of St. He supported Urban, but recommended that the whole thing be done in secret, because the then regime would not only not support it, but forbid it. In 1987 p. Černer brought the statue and we mounted it on a prepared pedestal on the recommendation of DDr. Izakovič near the chapel of St. Anny na Polánke. When installing the statue, the nearby p. Vladimír Brečan brought 2 bottles of wine, "because it belongs" - he said. František Uhlár and his wife, at that time this event cost 10,000 CZK. František Uhlár's brother - Štefan, who had a bronze plaque to mark the statue, also took part in this reconstruction. Shelter above the statue of St. The urban was made by the Association of Vinohrady and Winemakers in Vištuk and was made free of charge by the master carpenter Mr. Michal Jurčovič. In addition to other statues and crosses, the statue of St. Urbana reconstructed in 2012 under the pastor ThDr. PeaDr. Alfonza Vladimír Sabu, PhD, OP from the charitable parishioners of Vištucký.

Source: Fara Vištuk

Additional information

Transport: By foot, By bike, By car
Parking: Free parking nearby

Suitable for: Families with childrens, Elderly, Cyclists, Young, Adults
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 29.9.2021
Source: GoSlovakia

Opening hours


Not specified


Statue of St. Urbana - Vistuk
Region: Bratislavský
District: Pezinok
Area: Trnavsko, Microregion Červený kameň
 48.331694, 17.398051


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