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The first written mention of the village of Nová Dedina is from 1075. In 1960, the villages of Tekovská Nová Ves and Opatová merged, to which Gondovo joined in 1974. The villages of Svätý Kríž and Kamenec are also part of the village.

The village of Nová Dedina

The first written mention of the village of Nová Dedina is from 1075. In 1960, the villages of Tekovská Nová Ves and Opatová merged, to which Gondovo joined in 1974. The villages of Svätý Kríž and Kamenec are also part of the village.

Nová Dedina - since 1332 the village lies on the current place and was called Nova Villa, later Garamújfalu, in 1918- Hronská Nová Ves and since 1928 Tekovská Nová Ves. It is an old peasant village and the first peasants were the Jesenskovci, Pavlíkovci, Súľoskovci, Farkašovci, Liptajovci. In 1930, their property passed into the inheritance of the Csibra family.
Opatová - during the Hungarian era her name was Garam Apáti, later Hronská Opatová, since 1928 Opatová. The original inhabitants were Uhnákovci, Mäsiarovci, Vargovci, Boldišovci.
Gondovo - it is known from history that she often changed owners, but also the name. The names Šalmoš and Balvany alternated most often.

Additional information

Transport: By foot, By bike, By car, By train, By bus
Parking: Free parking nearby

Accepted payments: Cash
Languages: Slovak

Suitable for: Childrens, Families with childrens, Elderly, Handicapped, Cyclists, Young, Adults
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 27.4.2020
Source: Nová Dedina

Opening hours


Not specified


Phone: +421 36 633 1560
Website: novadedina.sk
The village of Nová Dedina
Obecný Úrad
935 25  Nová Dedina
Region: Nitriansky
District: Levice
Area: Dolné Pohronie and Poiplie, Tekov
 48.279287, 18.640638

Locality Nová Dedina

Obecný Úrad
935 25  Nová Dedina

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