Elementary school with kindergarten, Dolná Krupá

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The primary school with a kindergarten is located in an area consisting of two class pavilions, a school canteen, a kindergarten and a gym. This area was put into use in the spring of 1970.

Elementary school with kindergarten, Dolná Krupá

The primary school with a kindergarten is located in an area consisting of two class pavilions, a school canteen, a kindergarten and a gym. This area was put into use in the spring of 1970.

The school gained legal personality in 1998 and was delimited under the municipality in 2002. At the same time, the primary school merged with the local kindergarten and today operates under the name Primary school with a kindergarten in Dolná Krupa. Pupils from Dolná and Horná Krupa attend the school from the 1st to the 9th grade. The school includes a children's school club.

Additional information

Transport: By foot, By bike, By car, By bus
Parking: Free parking nearby

Languages: Slovak
Food: In object

Suitable for: Childrens, Young
Season: Spring, Autumn, Winter

Opening hours


Not specified


Phone: +421 33 5577 153
Elementary school with kindergarten, Dolná Krupá
Školská 439/12
919 65  Dolná Krupá
Region: Trnavský
District: Trnava
Area: Trnavsko
 48.479929, 17.546515

Altitude: 199 m

Školská 439/12
919 65  Dolná Krupá

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