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Havranica Hill is located in the main ridge, in the massif with the highest peak of Záruba. The height of Havranice is 717.1 m above sea level. A red tourist sign, also known as the Štefánik highway, leads to the top. There are no views from the top itself, as it is covered by dense forest. There are 11 hills in the Lesser Carpathians that exceed 700 meters, and Havranica is one of them.


Havranica Hill is located in the main ridge, in the massif with the highest peak of Záruba. The height of Havranice is 717.1 m above sea level. A red tourist sign, also known as the Štefánik highway, leads to the top. There are no views from the top itself, as it is covered by dense forest. There are 11 hills in the Lesser Carpathians that exceed 700 meters, and Havranica is one of them.

Additional information

Transport: By foot

Suitable for: Families with childrens, Elderly, Young, Adults
Season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Updated on: 3.7.2023
Source: GoSlovakia

Opening hours


Not specified


Malé Karpaty
Region: Trnavský
District: Trnava
Area: Trnavsko
 48.52484, 17.40733

Malé Karpaty

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